BUT... we are not those who will queue for it. A colleague queued 6 hours for it on Friday (a day earlier)!
It's not us to queue that many hours for it. We are hoping to just walk into a shop and hopefully there is no queue and we could just pick up the phone and leave. Possible?
It was Saturday afternoon. We heard people had queue for hours in the morning and the phone has been out of stock in several shops. As Presbyterians our believe is that all things are predestined. If it is for us, it will be! We decided to go to Marina Bay Financial Centre to try it! We know that place is like a partial ghost town during the weekends.
Oh... there was no queue! Only 1 person in front of us! We asked if there were stocks of the phone. Oh yes! Three sets please. 2 White 16GB and 1 Black 32GB. Thanks!
Two out of the 3 boxes. A black and white one here.
After getting the queue number we walked off. We don't need to wait there too!
The system will SMS us when it's almost our turn. We walked around the quiet mall. Around 35 minutes or so, it was our turn. We had 3 numbers, so it was like parallel service by 3 persons.
Told the wife and sis. Make sure:
- phone plans are correct, check that you are all correctly tagged on Corporate Plans. (show your ID and you get around 10-30% your bill)
- opt for 'pay as you roam' for roaming and swap it for another 12 months of caller ID. (to got 24 months of free caller ID)
We realised this telco here is quite good. They offered even without us asking the things I wanted wife and sis to say! Hint: it's the telco that did not offer preregistration this round for iPhone 4S purchase.
We are happy people. The battery life, you need to configure something like what I did on iOS5 on 3GS too. Configure it right, and the battery will last....
If you are on the train or on the streets, how to you differentiate a iPhone4 and iPhone4S?
Look at the top side of it. The 'slit' for the 4S is on the side. The 'slit' for the 4 is on top. ;-)
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