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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bifurcate Totems, Gardens by the Bay

Totems inside the Domes at Gardens by The Bay.

Bifurcate Totems, Gardens by the Bay

Do you find totems scary?
I think when I was growing up, watching too much cartoons made me feel scared about it.

Bifurcate Totems, Gardens by the Bay

I wondered, what gave the craftsman ideas on how to carve them?
I guess it's a huge study.

Maybe I will read it up when I am free some day! Probably when I retire.

Bifurcate Totems, Gardens by the Bay

If you are like me, wondering what Bifurcate means, wikipedia says this:
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.


dody said...

Timor Leste is now an independent state. It is somehow politically incorrect to mention it as part of Indonesia. Pardon this random comment :)

Unknown said...

Yup Dody,

Probably should let the gardens people know!