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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blerp blerp, it's big fat fish!

More Lunar New Year deco.

This is at Pargo Bugis Junction. Beside Hotel Intercontinental.

Fish for you? Fish is a very auspicious sounding in Chinese. Anyone knows why?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Long Long Glitters

This is inside Centrepoint Atrium. The mall has recently been refurbished.
Now its decorated with long strips of glittering lights and the mini lanterns like yesterday's post.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Everything going your way. - Shi Shi Ru Yi -

Have bad days? Be it bad hair day, bad food day, bad memories day. Whatever it is...
This chinese character for the Lunar New Year wishes all, have everything going smooth for you all the way.

Part of the Lunar New Year decorations along Orchard Road Malls.
Pinyin: Shi4 Shi4 Ru2 Yi4.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Aha! Caught what you did last nite till midnite!

This year's first late night shopping started yesterday. Every last Friday of the month, 250 Orchard Road area retailers will close shop at midnight instead of 9pm.

Wanted to go last nite, but it was raining, and ended up eating dinner and tea at Holland Village instead.

More details, call the number on the picture. :-)

Got this from today's papers: Participating stores include Tangs, Wisma Atria, Borders, Andana Spa, EpicCentre@Orchard, Far East Plaza, Centrepoint, Paragon and Pacific Plaza. Food outlets in the malls will also close at midnight.

To get home:
- Last train will leave Orchard station at 12:40am.
- The last bus service for 6 trunk services will be extended to 12.40am.
- 25 feeder services will be picking up commuters taking the last train home.
- Last North-East Line train will leave Dhoby Ghaut station at 12.55am.

Friday, January 26, 2007

World's First Purpose-built Toy Museum Right in Singapore.

Aha! Did you know that the world's first purpose-built toy museum is right here in Singapore?

It's called the Mint Musuem of Toys. Visit their website at:

It's located at 26 Seah Street, right opposite the iconic Raffles Hotel.

[if you are interested in more musuems in Singapore, click on the Museums Label below, :-) ]

Thursday, January 25, 2007

ABC Market, what a name to give to a market!

Do you know your alphabets? A B C...

There's this market and food centre in Singapore that's called ABC. Any guess why? Is it because no one wanted to come out with a name and someone uttered ABC, and it got stuck? haha...

Well, we asked one of the stall holders there and the truth is revealed. This plot of land where the market is, used to be a brewery that produced ABC Stout. Now you know :-)

There's good food at the ABC Market, hop on a cab and tell the cabby, ABC Market! View my daily food blog to see what's serving today at the Singapura Daily Makan (Food) Photo.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Are you born in the year of the pig?

According to the Chinese Zodiac, this coming year, it's the year of the Pig. Oink oink!

Here's some colourful piggies on display at Suntec together with the Singapore Mint commemorative coin sale.

Are you born in the year of the pig? My dad is :-) It's his year this year.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lunar New Year Decorations are Up!

Right after Christmas, they have put up the Lunar New Year decorations. This is at Suntec City.
That reminds me, I got to apply for long leave! ;-)

It's celebrations are celebrations in Singapore. The four religious group have 2 days of public holidays for their celebrations. I should not say religious group, for it can be said races too. eg Lunar New Year celebrations are not really religious, but a cultural one, celebrated by Chinese from all religious background.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mercedes Benz - Great Journey

Is this your favourite car brand? This futuristic showroom is nice isn't it?

Hmm do you know what the logo stands for? Heard that is stands for: 8am - start work, 12 noon - lunch time, 4pm - off work. haha.. just joking...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Camping on HBD Roof Tops?

Hmmm what are tents doing at the top of the public housing blocks? People camping up there?

No, they are actually doing maintenance on the roof tops. What kind of maintenance, I am not sure. But the little tents are all over, there are 10 over of them that I can see.

Most probably checking the roof for leakages? Or most probably giving them a new waterproof layering.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Rain, rain go away....

When it rains, what comes out? Umbrellas!

It was after work, and I was packing up, walking to the 'loo' first do dump fuel. And I saw this.

All kinds of colours and shades. Umbrellas pops out!

When the rains comes, vehicles do not stand in the way, people just walk and ignore everything else! They stop traffic literally.

The monsoon's on now, and it rains almost everyday. Right now, the first few drops of rain has hit my windows. I can hear them now. Oops, I just heard the thunder.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Esplanade Theatre by the Bay Entrance Again

I turned around from yesterday's photo and take it from another direction.

This is facing the entrance of the Esplanade Theatre. There's a big red poster for the coming shows.

Now looking at the little pool of water, you can see a round structure. That's the skylight for the car park below.

Ming, the waters too shallow for anyone to be bathing in it. :)
Zannnie, no below pictures. I did not go down the carpark. Hope this one's ok.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Great Balls by the Bay Entrance

These balls adore the water feature that's in front of the entrance of the Durian.

Actually if you are there, you can see that the water is very shallow only, and part of the 'pool', it is glass, and this allows light into the carpark that is right below.

Hope you enjoy these balls ;-)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Singapore Flyer (Singapore's version of London Eye or Malaysia's Eye on Malaysia)

The London Eye is famous. It's where tourist in London will definitely take a ride on. I was fortunate enough to take a ride in it and wow! what a view of London.

Here's a link to the London Eye by London DP's Ham.

Kuala Lumpur also unveiled a similar giant Ferris Wheel called Eye on Malaysia. Take a look at KL Daily Photo - Edwin's Posting of Eye on Malaysia here.

Singapore's building one too. It's called the Singapore Flyer. It is still under construction. But the base structure's up. This is how it looks like right now. When it's ready, it will be another great Singapore attraction.

Right now you have to be a bit imaginative ok? Imagine all the 32 capsules that goes on the giant observation wheel. hehe..

OK, if you can't imagine, go to the Singapore Flyer Website to have a sneak peak.

I can't wait for it to be ready and get up there! Mean time while I wait, I should go to up KL to take a ride at KL's version :-)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Esplanade Durian's that not pokey pokey

We always see pictures of the Esplanade with the spikes. Here's an angle of the famed roof that's not at the pokey sides. People have their gentler side, even buildings too.

Looks like a giant anteater? You should know which hotel is behind now, if you have been following this blog.

This photo is taken from the roof top of Esplanade, which is open to everyone. You can see magnificent views here.

Have a great day today!

Monday, January 15, 2007

More Merlion Close ups & Mini Merlion

Today is close up day. The last few days photos have been from the left side of the Merlion. This is from the right side. You know how some people like photos to be taken from certain sides only? Well, maybe the Merlion likes this angle. haha..

The tall building behind is Swissotel the Stamford - Singapore's tallest hotel.

But wait, also at the park is this miniature merlion. Baby Merlion. Look at the litte boy, playing with water.

Hope you have enjoyed the Merlion Posts. This is the last one :-)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Merlion Park

This is the Merlion Park. It's where hoards of tourist will arrive with their cameras and click click click away. Yes, I was one of them, remember I was pretending to be a tourist? haha..

There's a platform built, so that you can take photos of it from the front. Purpose built for tourist. This place is also where you can get lots and lots of Merlion memorabilia.

The first photo is taken from further away, from a bridge.

Hmm. Wonder if the tourist boat will overflow with water if it goes under the merlion's stream of water :-)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's a brand new merlion.

What's this? This is a Singapore icon. It's called the Merlion. It consits of the lion head and fish body. Do you know it is built in 1972? Which means it is actually older than me!

You can wikipedia it to read more :-)

This merlion looks brand new because it underwent a manicure and pedicure for 5 weeks last year :-) haha...

All of you guessed the right thing in yesterday's comments. All so so clever! hehe..

Friday, January 12, 2007

Oh is it a mermaid or ..... ?

I am lost. But there's a signboard in front of me, yes! I see my destination.

Guess where am I going? I am sure you are brilliant and can see the glues on this post :-)

The answer will be revealed tomorrow. Other than durians shaped buildings, space ship shaped buildings, tomorrow's post is only available in Singapore :-)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Supreme Court Spaceship!

What's that thing? It does look like a spaceship that has landed on top of the building doesn't it?

This is the Supreme Court of Singapore. Cool eh?

Another of the unique building in Uniquely Singapore :-)

But sigh, yesterday morning the news of iPhone came out! But we in Asia can only get it in 2008! Sigh. Been watching the Keynote Address, and really want it now. haha..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Free Concerts by the Bay!

There are free performances that are held at the Esplanade. They are usually held outdoors just beside the beaufiful waterfront.

This is a picture of a group doing sound checks. They are quite good! They were doing an acapella. We noticed that the lady at the most right has very very deep voice. She was doing the drum beats simulation part.

I caught this picture from the rooftop of Esplanade which is open if you wanna take photos of surrounding areas or the sunset.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ouch! It sure is spiky!

Last Saturday, I pretended to be a tourist. A friend who was from Sydney going back to UK was around, so sis and I was met her and we pretended to be tourist with her.

This is Esplanade, theatres on the bay. It is famous for its spiky durian like roof.

Sis later on went to attend the Singapore Symphony Orchestra's 28th Anniversary Concert. The ticket was courtesy of my colleague who was away in Denver.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Eskimos in Singapore?

This is an interesting bar. It's called Eskibar. The temperate inside is between -5 celcius to slightly above zero degrees celcius.

Yes, it's cold, I see people wearing winter jackets inside! haha...

Well do a search on eskibar and you can find their website.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Surgery in the day, party at night!

Hmmm, in the day time, Holland Village is very peaceful and quiet. Shops like furniture shops, surgery centres, dentist, chinese medical halls open during the day time.

But at night, the place is where it becomes a busy, noisy and at the end of the street, it reeks of alcohol! The restaurants and drinking holes turn alive, they are all mostly closed during the day (just like in this picture, taken at arond noon time).

In this picture, you can see a Lebanese & Middle Eastern Restaurant, Punjab-Northern Indian Tandoori Resturant, and Harry's Bar - a popular drinking hole.

Any of the above your fav?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Mexican? Turkish? or New York Cafe?

There's lots of cuinise that you can get in this place. From this photo, you can see a Turkish Restaurant, a New York Cafe and also a Mexican Restaurant.

Of the three, which is your favourite kind of food?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Do you know your old table might be worth a few thousand dollars?

This is one table at display at one of the antique shops around this place.

I am not sure what's the price of this table, but I guess it is one of the cheaper ones, since it is outside and not inside the shop :-)

Quite unique ain't it? Do you have old tables like this at home?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Holland Village Market and Food Centre

Holland Village is famous for its many restaurants, but the locals who live here do not eat at the restaurants daily. They buy their food both fresh produce and cook food at this centre.

This is the Holland Village Market and Food Centre.

This is the rebuilt centre. It was an old dilapidated hut like structure before. But some of the food stalls is still around after the big renovation.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thambi Magazines

If you wish to get newspapers from all over, magazines from all over the world, you can get them in Holland Village.

This is Thambi Magazine in Holland V. I wonder if they got more collection than Borders or Kinokuniya? Hmmm

What are the magazines you like to read? Exercise? Health? Gossips? hehe...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Let's travel to Holland

There's Chinatown in most cities, there are also Japan Towns, Russian Town, for example in San Francisco. Singapore has also Little India and also Holland Village!

This is the wind mill in Holland Village in Singapore. This place has a bohemian feel to it according to many, but to us living nearby, it's where we go to eat! Other than that, if we need 24 hours groceries we head here too. :-)

But if you are a tourist, it's where you can find Asian arts, crafts, antiques and handicraft. During the night, this place has lots of tourist and expatraites and the locals having drinks at the many al-fresco dining areas with many kinds of cuisine.

Holland Village is named after Hugh Holland. So, you dont see anything Holland there except the Windmill!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Theme Day for January : Best picture of 2006

Wishing everyone a Very Happy and Blessed 2007!!!

It's Theme Day again and I chose the September 25, 2006 Post of a Home Made Mercedes Benz Bicycle. My definition of best is based upon that it is so unique and it just brought a wide smile to my face to see it.

Hope you like this post and again wishing all a very Blessed 2007!

52 Daily Photo sites are participating in the 1st January theme, "My best photograph from last year", please use the links to below to visit them.

Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day.

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