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Saturday, August 25, 2007

The King Has Arrived in NUS

This photo was taken a few weeks back. Another fast food company has invaded the NUS grounds. Saw the banners in front of Computer Centre.

Now, there are two fast good places (McD and BK) at campus. If you are wondering, the prices are a tiny bit cheaper on campus than the ones outside. No, I have not tried it yet. One day... one day...

Are you a fast food fan?


Victoria said...

I am not a fan of fast food, least of all Burger King. Though that is mostly because of the creepy King mascot. Do you all have the same plastic King with a creepy smile on BK advertisements there?

Anonymous said...

BK is my fave fast food in singapore... haha. actually, i love fast food. haha!

Unknown said...


The BK in Singapore, we seldom see the mascot. Only the golden arches one had the clown in oversize shoes. :-)

Hmm is there even a mascot for BK?

Unknown said...


Too much fast food's no good. Eat real food. hehe..

Stuttfótur said...

I like the more ethnic type of fast food, such as gyros or ramen. I find McD burgers too "mystery-meatish" for me - if I have to eat there, I'll go for a salad. The shakes are good, though! :) (Healthy? what's that?)

Sally said...

Not really - I hate pappy burger rolls.
When I saw this in the thumbnails I thought "Oh, maybe someone is protesting about something!" Then I thought "Well, it's Singapore - so nup!" ;-)
Sydney Daily Photo

Ming the Merciless said...

I hate fast food but I can see why people go there. It's fast (duh!) and cheap.

I went to White Castle (burger place) last week for the first time in years and I was surprised at how much cheaper the food are than regular cafes/diners.

But they are sooo unhealthy.

Details: said...

Actually fast foods are not cheap :)

For example, 1 large size coke will cost you like S$2.00 and that is for how many ml? S$1.70 gets you 2 litres of bottle coke.

The margins that they earning are really huge.

JollyGreenP said...

You already have the best fast foods in the world in Singapore, no need to eat this awful c**p stuff!

Dijah said...

I enjoy fast food!So I can say that I am a fan of fast food but too bad I only can eat it once a month.

Kate said...

Fast food? NO Ethnic food? YES!

Olivier said...

Non je n'aime pas les fast-food. je prefere les sandwichs dans un bon café. Le King, Elvis ? ;o)

Not I do not like the fast-food. I prefer the sandwiches in a good coffee. King, Elvis? ;o)

Meg said...

I have a weakness for BK's onion rings.