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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Daily Photo Theme Day - Typical Breakfast

The Daily Photo Theme Day for 1 August is "Typical Breakfast".

I have actually posted a typical Singapore Breakfast photo before in May. Click here to peep at it

Here's another typical breakfast many people eat here in Singapore. It's called "Chwee Kuey" or "Water Cakes". It is made from rice flour and water and steam in tiny containers. When its firm, it is removed from the tiny containers and served with "chai por" or "diced preserved radish".

There are many people who eats it with lots of chilli too.
If you visit Singapore, you must try it! It's really really cheap too! Around $1 for 4 pieces.

Singapore residents, which is your favourite Chwee Kuey stall? I like all the various "Bedok Chwee Kueh" stalls. I love it with lots and lots of chai por!!!


These fellow Daily Photo Sites around the whole are also participating in the Theme Day. See how the theme "Typical Breakfast" is being interpreted.
Due to different time-zones, some photos might appear at a later time.

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Gerald (SK14) said...

well not with chilli, but otherwise I'd by happy to try it.

Kate said...

Yes, I'd try it and definitely with chili!

Denton said...

Chilli might be the only way I would eat what appears very exotic to me. Actually I like rice and I like radish so logically I would enjoy this meal.

Dijah said...

Looks yummy.Should try it the next time I visit Singapore.

Felicia said...

A spicy breakfast sounds invigorating!

Jules said...

I can imagine my fellow workers would not be happy if I ate lots of radish before coming to work, but it does look yummy!!!!

riniroo said...

Wow, that is very different than my typical breakfast here in Texas! Thanks for the insight.

Sally said...

Yes, I'd be very happy to try that for breakfast. Rice is an interesting breakfast food, not often eaten in "the west", but it's good for breakfast, I think (I can't stand sweet stuff first thing in the day, it makes me feel all weird).

Neva said...

hmmm not a fan of horseradish...certianly can't picture it for breakfast but if I come to Singapore...I will try it.

edwin s said...

yummy yummy yummy! I love them. lots of chilli sauce too!

Ben Nakagawa said...

Looks delicious! ... and ... happy 1 year old for your blog!

Olivier said...

j'adore le chili, mais au petit-dejeuner ;o)

I adore Chili, but with the breakfast ;o)

jb said...

Definitely with chili, la!

julia said...

Thats a rare combo, would try it. At a franchise with Asian drinks and semisold drinks with crushed ice, Happy Cup, is it? in Sydney, I tried one and it was unique.

Anonymous said...

Nice..but eat too much you will feel a bit "jelak" cause very oily stuff.
I have a friend who actually add minced dried scallops bits into the chaipoh...nice too...

travelphilippines said...

i gues we have a version of that here in the philippines. im just not sure what it is called here.

tsl said...

the whole breakfast thing is interesting! its cool to noe what pple all over the world eat to keep themselves alive for the day! ;)

tsl said...

thanks for ur note. let me see.. had swiss roll from polar puffs. haha

Beetle said...

I would definitely try it when we visit Singapore but only with one condition 'No Chili' Please!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That looks delicious.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Breakfast

Emilieee said...

Chwee Kuey!! The chai po looks so yummy!! I used to eat Chwee Kuey back in my hometown, Johor. :) It's delicious. Nice shot. The Chwee Kuey looks crystallized.

Jilly said...

Rice is good for breakfast. Not too much chilli for me tho. Super photo.

R&R said...

Nice photo, great colors! Sounds good but between the chilis and the radish I think my western constitution might be a little burpy!

jeremyDP said...

i'd like to taste it but without chilli , thank you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting! I want to try!

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Interesting to see how many Asian countries have some kind of rice dish as their typical breakfast and also interesting is the lack of coffee. Most of the US posts that I have seen so far feature coffee.

Anonymous said...

You had me drooling with this pic. I haven't had this for ages. So yummy ... wish I can eat one now :( boo-hoo