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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

NUS Open House: The School for Inventors

It's the time of the year where the various universities in Singapore are having Open Houses.

If you only time for one Open House, which one will you go to? The most vibrant, exciting and prestigious university of course - the National University of Singapore.

Mark your diaries and make a trip down to NUS this weekend! (14 - 15 March 2009)
If you are overseas and it's impossible for you to be physically here, you can visit NUS Virtually at Second Life.

NUS Open House 2009

Of all the faculty and schools that's participating in the NUS Open House, let me highlight to you the "School of Computing - School of Inventors". Check out their Open House Promo site at:

More information about the NUS Open House, click on to:


Kate said...

Looks like you and your friends are in for a good show!!!

chillycraps said...

hoho, someone is promoting... :P

although I would very much want to argue the point about which school/faculty is for inventor :P

alicesg said...

My youngest son has applied for a place over there but not for computers. :) Not sure if he is successful to get a place there. His two other choices are NTU and SMU. But first he need to serve his National Service.