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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The UCC - Magnificent View at Nite.

This is the University Culture Centre (UCC) at nite.

The UCC is where the Commencement ceremony (or Convocation) for NUS Graduates is held. It's a beautifulu hall with superb accoustic system. It is also a popular venue for concerts, plays, and every year the Prime Minister's National Day Rally Speech.


koeiru said...

Very nice.

Jing said...

when i was in the university, we dont have so beautiful hall.
i want to go back to the university again.

alice said...

I'm coming with Jing!

Meg said...

It IS a great looking hall, indeed. And very clean looking, but what do you expect from Singapore, yeah?

tr3nta said...

wow... huge building...
nice photo... i love lo look from outside to inside... get some zooms of people inside?... thats always funny...

Deb said...

Beautiful light!
Great capture!

Anonymous said...

Let's all go to a concert there, very festive!

Annie said...

This is a fabulous building, made all the more fabulous by the glass and the lights!

Jazzy said...

that's a great building. lots of light makes it very appealing.

Kris said...

good one,keropok! the clean lines and design is impressive :)

kaa said...

i haven't been much around in Singapore or this is new. When was this built? This is a great shot and indeed a very beautiful hall.