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Saturday, December 09, 2006

But wait, there's more! Heliconia Rostrata

Just when you thought that that's the end of my Heliconia posting. Here's another one. I took them yesterday lunch time after getting caught in the rain.

This species: Heliconia Rostrata.
It reminds me of bananas!!


tigerfish said...

"Ang ba chio" (a species of bananas?).....kekekek

Kate said...

The colours really make the photo. Lovely!

Olivier said...

superbe serie. tres belles fleurs avec de tres belles couleurs

superb series. very beautiful flowers with very beautiful colors

Jing said...

with some watery leaves..
and it really looks like the banana. beautiful ones.

shanghai daily photo

Unknown said...

Tigerfish, yeah, it does look like red bananas. haha..

kate, olivier, it does look very nice yah. wonders of God's creation :-)

jing, i took it while it was raining, i was under an umbrella!