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Monday, April 23, 2007

Early Detection Saves Lives, Saves Breast

The Pink Charity Bazaar 2007 at The Civic Plaza, Ngee Ann City.
It was held 2 days ago, and if you wish to find out more about what this foundation does, log on to:

They were having a Charity Bazaar last Saturday.

These are participants in a mass line dancing activity.


Ming the Merciless said...

All the more reason to feel up yourself.

Anonymous said...

My wife of 52 years, Patty, has just finished her second breast cancer treatments. She had it ten years ago. Now, this was a new one in the other breast. Both were caught in the mammogram.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Olivier said...

le depistage tôt est quelque chose de tres important, et le gouvernement français comment a en tenir compte et propose de plus en plus de depistage precoce

tracking early is something of very important, and the French government how has to hold account of it and proposes early tracking more and more

Nathalie H.D. said...

Very important project, nice spirit!

Dsole said...

Every little thing that can be done is just great!
And if oyu have a nice time doing that is better then!

Sally said...

I long for the day there are cures, or preventatives, for cancers.

Unknown said...

Abe, wishing Patty a great recovery!

Meg said...

Breast examination followed by shoes and bags followed by chocolate - K-Man, you got it right on the button - at least the shallow kind like me!!