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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Free Shuttle Buses at the University of choice in Singapore.

This is a picture of the Internal Shuttle Bus that fetches students, staff and not forgetting visitors at the National University of Singapore. (The bus is painted in the University's corporate colours)

It is a free service and during term time, it is packed like sardines, especially when students need to get to the other side of campus for lectures. But I guess people do not complain since it is provided free. Long time ago, each trip used to cost 20 cents.

If you want to find out more about NUS, visit their website at It is THE university to go to in Singapore, and ranks 19th in the world!

Which is the university of choice in your city or country?
Or which is the university of your choice in the world?


  1. "It is THE university to go to in Singapore"

    I have no problem with that statement, not sure about ppl in west side story...

    Oh if you have the chance, try snapping the ISB at Yusof Ishak House. The steps and slope there are unique!

  2. Chillycraps,

    As least it would not close down unlike one already infamous university.

    I will try to snap the ISB at YIH if i get the chance :-)

  3. hehe..I guess Hungarians would complain even if the service is for free:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Keropok Man, which university closed down? I'm curious!!

    In the US, universities are ranked by various organizations but I don't think the rankings are always accurate. Columbia University in NYC is considered one of the best Ivy League colleges in the country but if you have enough money, you can get a degree there quite easily. Ditto for Yale (George Bush got a MBA degree from Yale), Harvard, MIT, etc.

    In fact, a friend and I had a disagreement over Brown University recently. Her brother graduated from there and she thought it was a good school but I always assumed it was a "pay for a degree" school.

  6. no matter how accurate the ranking, it still rank in top 30. Why Malaysia's University can't achieve that standard? Not even top 150...

  7. Ming, the university that closed down recently after operating in S'pore for about 3 months was UNSW (Univ of New South Wales) Asia.

    Even longer time ago, NUS was known as University of Singapore and was located at Bukit Timah.

    Science Park also has free shuttle service now.

  8. University days are far behind me. If I were to go back now it would be as an instructor in a small quite college town ... My youngest daughter graduates this December, from John Hopkins in Baltimore, with her masters degree. She is talking about a doctorate from MIT or Stanford.
