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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Singapore Zoo - 4

Today will be the last post of the Singapore Zoo series. And in this post, will feature the largest land animal that is alive today ie the elephants! Most elephants are from Africa and the most visible difference would be their ears. African elephants have bigger ears. These featured below are from India and they have smaller ears.

Was at an elephant show at the zoo and the elephants performed some tricks that delighted the audience.

In one of the tricks, this elephant was trying to place back the straw hat back on the man.

And finally the elephant got close enough to place the hat on the man's head :)

Finally when all the tricks are done, the elephants were gathered in a row to curtsy to the audience :) And you should have heard the applause from the audience! No wonder the elephants did the bow so well!

Hope you enjoyed this series.


  1. Well it is a nice picture of reality. The animals put to work for man. It is a shame that they are better taken care of in this environment than in their natural one.

    Surprise, surprise, surprise. It's me!
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. ms j says we no see elephant in BKK. haha.. we should go visit the zoo to see it! hehe...

  3. I'm torn about elephants performing like this (all animals really)....but we know in the wild they are not looked after. And elephants do seem to have a sense of fun.

    Say Happy Birthday to The Queen in Sydney!

  4. Good job Momo on the whole zoo series...I like the white tiger pictures...Keep on blogging!

    Makes me miss working at the zoo...When I got to ride the elephants for free...Definitely miss the animals and the staff there, but definitely not cleaning up their poo... Hee...

  5. Hi Momo! hehe... your elephant pics remind me of my 2-hr jungle elephant ride when i was in one of Nepal's wildlife sanctuaries... that one sit until backside pain siah... but shiok ! :) and cheap too! hehe...

  6. My mother-in-law will loves this photo as she loves elephant so much and I gave often elephant figures as birthday gift and I don't think i will give a real elephant as a birthday present one day ;o) but hey,i get the idea..take her to elephant zoo just like you have here

  7. I'm personally against the concept of a zoo (or a circus) and so I refuse to go to one.

    That said, your photos looks like the elephants are quite beautiful. I hope the trainers are nice to the elephants and using positive reenforcements (rewards) to train them, instead of negative reenforcement (punishment)

  8. Here you have a guide with photos and views from the zoo from Singapore
    Singapore Zoo
