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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Have you taken your temperature today?

I have to take temp and record them into the my workplace intranet by 10 am daily.

If you move around the different facilities/buildings, you might be required to take your temperature again by different group of people.

You get a little yellow sticker like this.

Temperature Taking

So glad to hear that they will be lower the alert from Orange to Yellow in a few days time.


marley said...

To do with swine flu? Seems like over precautious!

Unknown said...

Yes, with the swine / H1N1 flu...

Ya, I think everyone's a bit too cautious. lol...

alicesg said...

Yep, I wanted to go to the library but they need all these temperature readings and screenings like recording of ICs, etc, and the queues was long so I give up and went window shopping instead.

Unknown said...

I think many people will do that!

Too tedious right?