Where I stood in the photo yesterday, on my right, I could see the CPF Building. It's quite unique eh? I always think it looks like lego blocks, as it looks like 3 sections stacked on top of each other.
CPF stands for the Central Provident Fund. It's kind of like a force savings plan for retirement for all working citizens and permanent residents of Singapore. If you want to find out more, you can visit their website at www.cpf.gov.sg
Do you have a similar compulsory retirement savings scheme in your country? I know neighboring Malaysia has a EPF, Australia has some superannuation thingy. What about your country?
That would be like the OASDI (Social Security) in the US, I think. Nice photo!
impressionnant ce building. belle perspective
impressing this building. beautiful prospect
I agreeon the lego likeness. Or a kebap, but that's because i have not had dinner yet. ;)
Love your buildings!
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