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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Austrian Sausage man in Chinatown

One thing that you seldom see in Singapore's Chinatown is an 'ang moh' hawker. You see lots of 'ang moh' as tourist, but this guy is different.

He sells western sausage, and they are popular. There's a queue too!

Mr Erich hard at work.

He was featured in a newspaper before and he has it on his stall.

A few more days to the Lunar New Year, I am already munching on Jam Tarts! yummy...


Anonymous said...

How fun! Love his hat! Happy New Year!

Olivier said...

amusant, les australiens sont partout, il y a à Evry une Australienne qui donne des cours de cuisines ;o)

amusing, the Australian ones are everywhere, there is in Evry Australian which gives courses of kitchens ;O)

Jazzy said...

bon appetite Keropok.
hope you received my postcard?

Ming the Merciless said...

Send me over some jam tarts please! I want the pineapple ones. Three dozen or so should tie me over for the month. Thanks!!!

chillycraps said...

I always thought he's a german...

oh and he shook hand with the president before!

Zannnie said...

Austrian,..hmm...that's quite unusual....really.

Unknown said...

olivier, this guy's Austrian, not Australian hehe..

ming, how to send? they wont pass thru customs right? i posted the picture on the food blog today :-p

chillycraps, wow with president. i have not even step into istana before. haha...

zannnie, how's da shao chu going?

jazzy, not yet. postal delay maybe :-(

lessie, happy new year too!

Anonymous said...

wow, looks like he sells some good stuff there!