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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

max your leave for 2008 : take 8 days, rest 37 days.

It's only the second day of the year, and what are on people's mind? Planning holidays!

This is what appeared on the Sunday papers a few days ago. Telling readers how to maximise their leave.


Just take leave on those green boxes. Combined with the public holidays, you just need to take 8 days of leave for 37 days of rest!

Photos taken from The Straits Times.
To read this Singapore newspaper online, visit:

People in Singapore: Have you booked your leave? No, I have not. No plans for any holidays yet. haha..

People overseas: How many days of public holidays do you have in your country?


zakscloset said...

what a great post!!!! thanks for sharing this. i wonder if the newspapers do this type of articles in all countries...i'd better check the paper today!

Olivier said...

tu penses déjà aux vacances ;o) tu as bien raison, un bon post qui donne le moral en pensant aux prochains jours de repos. nous devons avoir une dizaine de jours de repos

You think the holidays already, o) you have good reason, a good post that gives moral thinking of the next few days of rest. We must have ten days off

Anonymous said...

In Canada is 10 days.

However, depending on the company you work for and company seniority, you may get more. I get 15 days.

Unknown said...

That's a great idea. I like it.
As Olivier says 10 days off in France.
Happy new year and long life to your blog.

Lilly said...

Ha ha, that's funny. And a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
I guess these dates will be jam pack with holiday makers since it has been published on The Strait Times and on your blog! :P :D

Alex's World! -

iml said...

These are the days you would not want to be in Bali, Thailand, Hong Kong or Australia.

Joy said...

I suppose most Singaporeans do this?

But it won't work for me and my hubby - because we take chunks of holiday to travel to the Philippines twice a year :-)

The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Your Love Coach

Unknown said...

you can check and book your holidays quick! haha

10 days off is not that bad.

i get 18 days!

Thanks, love life to yours too!

How many days of leave do you have? hehe.

People always plan their leave early! They will book it, so that others can't take it. haha..

You know it very well!

I want to visit Philippines one of these days too!