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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Beauty World.. cha cha cha...

Today, my sis and I went to a very Singaporean musical, called "Beauty World".

We loved it! The theme song, "Beauty World... Cha Cha Cha" has been ringing in my head for hours now! (help!!) It doesn't help that we bought the CD and listening to it right now while I am typing this. :-p

A snap of the program cover, since no photography is allowed during the show.

This is prove that I really watched it! ha ha ha...
We bought the tickets very long ago, so we had the 20% off for the matinee.
Though quite an expensive ticket, but it was good!

Do you all have a tune that rings in your head the whole day?
If so, which tune is it today? haha...

if you want to know listen to that tune in my head, you can listen to it here.


Anonymous said...

Haha, just reading about it is making "Beauty World... Cha Cha Cha" ring in my head!

edwin s said...

hoi uncle!

beauty world ah? I heard very shiok lor...

I was recently tagged by Thiên and felt compelled to do it. I usually pay no attention to these things but she's nice and all that...

What did I do? I tagged you!

Please pop into KLDP and have a look at what you have to do if you decide to do it.

Hope you're enjoying a lovely Sunday.

love always.

zakscloset said...

so lovely!!! i wanna see it too! since i just woke up, i haven't got any song or thoughts come up in my head yet...

Olivier said...

l'affiche est superbe. merci pour le lien. j'espere que tu as passe une bonne soirée

The poster is superb. Thanks for the link. I hope that you have spent a good evening

Anonymous said...

I really like this musical.
It is a good one! I recommend it as well!

Alex's World! -

J.C. said...

Recognize Neo Swee Lin and Irene Ang as members of the casts. Like their performances in PCK. Bet this is a nice play! And a cabaret musical too? Wonder if they will move to KL?