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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

In case you did not see it, PLEASE Flag Early! haha....

Yesterday's was just a small sign on the poll. This was taken at the Bus Interchange. It is much bigger too!

If you all notice, the signs are in 4 languages. Just like any other notices, they are always in English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. These are the 4 official languages in Singapore.

More info about the buses in Singapore, there are 2 main bus companies, the SBS Transit and SMRT. To take the public transport in Singapore, you use the EZLink card.

My previous post here has a picture of the EZLink card :-)

Sigh, as Min said in yesterday's comments, the GST is going up in Singapore. It will be 7% soon. Sigh again... :(


Bill said...

My what big hands she has :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, what a huge slap it will be, if we do not wave early! hahaha....

selana18 said...

Luggi I like the way you are thinking!
Interesting campaign for the public transport!

Annie said...

It is interesting to me that there are 4 official languages there. In the United States there are many politicians who think we should only have one.

Zannnie said...

oh so sad!:( 7%

JaamZIN said...

i like multilanguages countries. Singapore is to me a little bit like Switzerland in Europe.

Jazzy said...

i like those signs and i was wandering is there a problem with flagging buses on time? i have to admit i have never seen 'flag the bus' notice board =)

Kate said...

Does the icon have a name? I, too, think that multiple languages make a lot of sense. We Americans are deficient in learning languages.

tr3nta said...

thanks for passing...
cool always cool signs in singapore...

Unknown said...

Hi all,

Most people can speak at least 2 languages here. Even the old folks do. It's usually the combination of the 4.

Haha, some people say, in Singapore you need to be taught to do anything, that's why you are told to flag the bus early. LOL..

Nope, I dont think the icon has a name Kate.

Santy, isn't it more convenient to be able to flag the bus anywhere you want? hahah.. no need to walk to the bus stop!

Anonymous said...

Gee it would make me jump in the raod and wave wildly in case the driver missed me! Is it really that importatnt?!

Kris said...

people dont flag here. i felt like an alien when i flaged once or twice and my partner asked what was i doing? :p

twistedzero said...

haha! back in manila, just like santy, we can flag buses anywhere. usually causes heavy traffic because buses will just stop whenever people want!

ei, singapore daily posters should meet!!

Unknown said...

yeah raymond, the Songapore DPs should meet!

hmm and go around waving buses! LOL...

Meg said...

GST has been 12.5% forever here - and it applies to almost everything! 12.5%!!!

Say, be sure you post a picture of the Singapore DP get-together for the rest of us, ok?