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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Museum Series - Asian Civilisations Museum

This is the picture I took last nite of the Asian Civilisations Museum, fondly known as the ACM here in Singapore. I went to a musical performance just next to the museum, the Victoria Concert Hall. Since I had a museum post yesterday, I shall continue with museums :-)

They ACM is having a Japanese Mask Exhibition, called: "Hidden Faces : The Art of Japanese Mask". The exhibit will close tomorrow!! Got to make a quick trip down again.

ACM's collections are centres around the Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia and China collections. Pop by for a visit if you are around. Got a friend who works there, so giving her a free advert here :-)

Here's a tip, if you want to go in Free, visit on Friday nites, 7-9 PM! (They said discounted on their website, but in actually fact ...... fill in your own blanks, I did not say it here ok? haha )

Visit the ACM website at:


Denton said...

Hidden faces! So is the exhibit about people wearing mask?

Olivier said...

Photo magnifique, j'adore les lumieres sur les facades des maisons.
tu as le droit de prendre des photos a l'interieur du musée, car j'aimerais bien voir ce que cela donne, je suis fan de la culture asiatique.

Splendid photograph, I adore the lights on the frontages of the houses. you have the right to take photographs inside the museum, because I would like to see what that gives, I am fan of the Asian culture.

selana18 said...

Interesting info, very nice your photo. I like a lot these faces.

Jazzy said...

oh i wish i could see this one, looks very interesting.
have a nice weekend.

JaamZIN said...

i love masks...I wish I was there

Unknown said...

Denton, yes, the exhibition is all about Japanese mask.

Olivier, I have not gone inside yet. Was at home the whole day yesterday. Not sure if I have time today as well.

Selana, you're most welcome.

Jazzy, Yes, I wish I can get some time to see it as well.

Zsolt, visit Singapore one day!

Bill said...

I love night shots, the lighting is always so much fun to work with. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

very sharp night shot, keropok!
oh, thanks for the tip ;)

Unknown said...

Bill, Kris,

Night shots do make the building looks really grand. Especially with the lighting effects they put on buildings.