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Thursday, November 02, 2006

The New Arts Canteen in NUS

Yesterday's Theme Post was about something that was to be lost forever. The physical buildling will be gone. A new building will then emerge 10 months later.

I caught a sneak peak of it, and photographed it (few months ago). This is what they new Arts Canteen will look like. Hill top Dining. Sounds cool eh...

It is going to have both open air dining and air-conditioned dining areas.


Jing said...

looks the new canteens great! mmm...its shape, looks like the stadium in shanghai.

Olivier said...

il ressemble a un stade. Apres la pluie le soleil, apres la destruction, le renouveau. Tu vas peut-etre nous faire suivre l'evolution des travaux

it resembles has a stage. After the rain sun, the destruction, the revival.
You perhaps will make us follow the evolution of work

chillycraps said...

haha you took the photo a while ago when they showed the designs outside LT9 right?

haiz, arts people will flock to biz and engin canteen... but then after the waiting, we can see arts girls in a nicer environment liao~!

Meg said...

Gee, fancy! I hope the food is just as good!

Jazzy said...

wow, what a great design.
i really like Singapore.

Unknown said...

Jing! Welcome back, you can see the DPs from all over now?

Olivier, Merci. You should so philosophical LOL... Every morning I have TV5Monde Asie on, trying to listen to the news and hopefully relearn my Francaise!

Chillycraps! Yes, spot on!

Meg, we hope so too. After 10 months, some vendors might not be back.

Jazzy, come visit Singapore then :)