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Monday, November 27, 2006

Genetic Engineering - Pinocchio with Snowman

From yesterday's post, we see that everyone's get tempted eh.

What is this? I have no idea. To me it looks like it is a cross breed between a snowman and Pinocchio. It must have lied that it did not get tempted by chocolates at the Godiva windows, that is why its nose is growing.....

Are you a fan of Walt Disney characters? Guess what, I do not subscribe to the news channels on cable tv, but I have Disney Channel! :-) My sis just visited Disneyland HK a few days ago!


Jing said...

oo...cute figure,i dont care who he is, so cute.
maybe he is the son whose mom is the snowwoman and dad is pinocchio. :D
I like all kinds of cartoon characters.even spongebob!!


Anonymous said...

ARGH! KEROPOKMAN! I was gonna post the exact same picture in my blog for tomorrow! Same snowman (yes he's 100% snowman made from clay and cement), same angle, same lighting, with the same Ben & Jerry's in the background! Haha I think we took the picture from the exact same spot!

edwin s said...

I love all the Disney characters! And this snowman looks liek something Pixar would do. Hey, isn't Pixar part of Disney too now? Brilliant! More characters to love :)

Anonymous said...

Was the HK Disneyland crowded? Is it popular there? I've heard complaints.

Olivier said...

ce bonhomme de neige est magnifique et surprenant. je suis fan de walt disney, mais des vieux dessins animes, je suis moins fan des derniers. c'est un personnage de disney ?

this snowman is splendid and surprising. I am fan of walt disney, but of the old drawings animate, I am less fan of the last. it is a character of disney?

kaa said...

raymond posted the snowman this yesterday. was something special happening in vivo city..? ;-)

Ruth said...

This guy is cute and BIG! How tall do you suppose he is?

Jazzy said...

i like it, somehow it looks unusual.

JaamZIN said...

its very common in my country to use carrot as nose and coal as buttons for snowman...though its rare to see it in singapore:)

koeiru said...

Mr. Frosty isn't sweating, very cool.

Zannnie said... snowman;) finally someone have the courage to put up a 'snowman' in our ''Summer throughout'' Singapore;) heh heh...

Guess what, Mr/Miss Sharp Eyes DP Quiz #4 will be out tomorrow 29/Nov on my new domain

And this quiz is inspired by this post of yours, Keropok man....;)

Anonymous said...

ohh here's an easy access to the quiz,just click my name to play;))

Unknown said...

Jing loves cute stuff right?

Veron, haha.. Guess what. I realise that the 3 Singapore Daily Photo bloggers all posted the same thing!!!! It must be Snowman Week or something. LOL

Edwin, you should subscribe to Disney Channel man...

Cory, I met my sis for few mins before she flew off to Melb. But the photos she took, everyone seems happy. I think they might have fixed all the initial teething probs.

Olivier, no this is not a disney character. It's a Vivo City character :)

Kaa, ya, I just realised that! And Zannnie is posting it as well! haha...

Ruth, it's 3 stories high I think.

Jazzy, it sure is, it does not melt in Singapore, amazing huh..

Zsolt, lucky you to have real snow in your country. There's a snow city in Singapore, it's man made snow inside a building!

Koeiru, Yes Mr Frosty sure is cool. We all should be like him. :-)

Zannnie, I just answered the quiz, hope I got it correct. haha...

Curly said...

This snowman is obviously causing a bit of a stir, three blogs posting the same picture ha, ha!

Curly's Photoshop