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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Signs: Thank you for your co-operation

This is another sign that is seen in many places in Singapore. They are always building something or repairing something here and then.

We always see "Thank You For Your Co-operation".

One thing about Singapore is that whenever a lane on a road is closed for repairs that will take some time, an alternate lane needs to be provided so that traffic would not be congested. This is something that I noticed.

Do you have signs like these in your city? haha...


Anonymous said...

This is taken on Holland Road :P

FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

This is so cute! No, we don't have signs like those here, unfortunately.

jeremyDP said...

nice sign, we don't have tis kind of singns in France :(

Dijah said...

Wow,a smiley sign:)

It would be really wierd to have signs like that in Malaysia.

Olivier said...

je lui offre le premier prix des panneaux, il est superbe ;o))

I offer the first price of the panels to him, it is superb ;O))

Bergson said...

A Panel with the smile; that exist not in France

In France everyone takes an air annoyed in the car.

• Eliane • said...

This is adorable. And I don't think I will surprise you by saying that we have no sign like this in the New York city streets. We have signs that say "Don't even THINK of parking here!" or "No Parking, No Standing, No Stopping, No Kidding!". I need to figure out where they are - would make great posts!