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Monday, October 16, 2006

The Airport Series - T2 Changi

Sleeping while waiting for the plane. We were sitting down getting a drink at T2 waiting for departure and we saw the whole row of passengers taking a snooze.

Now I feel tired too. Good nite everyone...


Jing said...

good night keropokman..
i am going to sleep too~~~

btw....wonderful shot!!and colour!1
Have a nice sleep there

JaamZIN said...

good night....shhhhhhhhhhh!

Felicia said...

Great view. It is still only Monday here! The green is a soothing color, I can imagine taking a nice nap there.

Jazzy said...

almost unbelievable how great the airport looks.

night night for now.

Anonymous said...

They don't look too uncomfortable for sleeping in plastic chairs!

Your airport looks so nice...and uncrowded too

Olivier said...

une petite sieste...Tres bonne photo. Tres jolie coup d'oeil

Kate said...

Good capture! They reflect how I feel in airports these days.

Unknown said...

Thank you, terima kasih, xie xie, merci beaucoup to everyone who dropped a message. Posting nitely is very tiring. haha.. But as long as there are people who appreciates it, I shall persevere. :-)