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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

YOG: Youth Olympic Village

Do you wish you were younger and can compete in the Olympic Games?
It's like wow, they are so young and they have such fitness and skills in their respective games.

We have a cousin who will be in the Youth Olympic age range of 14 - 18 years old in the next YOG. We were telling, train hard, maybe you can qualify to represent Singapore next time. She's a runner.

But for those young ones who qualify for this first YOG, they will be staying at the Youth Olympic Village located at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) / National Institute of Education (NIE).

A sneak peek at the venue. It's full of flags from the different countries and it sure is turning exciting!

Youth Olympic Village

I was told that there will be a World Culture Village that will showcase all the different countries that will be competing. They have tents like the ones shown in the photo below. They will take turns to display / promote their countries in the tents.

Youth Olympic Village

If you notice the photo above and the photos below, do you notice something?

Normally in Singapore, the language in most signs are in English plus another of the 3 other official languages. (Malay, Mandarin or Tamil)

Youth Olympic Village

I think if you are at any of the Youth Olympic Venues, you might mistaken that you are in France!
You see French everywhere!

It's like Singapore has got the 5th official language for the duration of the YOG!

English and French Signs

Talking about French in Singapore, how do you pronounce Clemenceau Avenue in Singapore?
Which is the correct way? I wonder...
You hear people pronouncing it all kinds of way!

Do you know that many places in Singapore have very French names?
View this YouTube and laugh! It's called Taxi Drivers Learn French.
I love to watch The Noose on TV.

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